Mazatlan, Mexico

Fun Things to Do in Mazatlan Mexico Photo Gallery

When visiting Mazatlan, Mexico. You will find lots of shops throughout the town.  I had to try

their empanadas of course. While walking in town, I noticed the streets are tight so be careful when walking on the streets.

 Especially during lunch time when traffic can be very busy. 

One of the main attractions in Mazatlan are the cliff divers. Here you can grab a photo or take a video of the cliff divers. For the most part, the cliff divers are there to perform for the tourists. They are not diving for fish but to show off their sport.

We also visited the majestic Mazatlan Cathedral and Old Mazatlan as well as Plaza Machado. Here’s a look at some of the highlights and fun things to do in Mazatlan Mexico in an image gallery.

Stone islands Mazatlan Mexico, Malecon de Mazatlan, Mazatlan Cliff Divers

Cathedral Mazatlan Basilica de la Immaculate Concepcion

Mazatlán cathedral
Mazatlán cathedral
Mazatlán basilica

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