batu caves Malaysia review

Is Batu Caves Worth Visiting? Honest Batu Caves Malaysia Review with Images

Batu Caves Malaysia Review 

I recommend you visit the Batu Caves. Hindu shrines outside of Kuala Lumpor can be found in the Batu Caves. “Batu” means rock. Here you will see the spectacular beauty of the cave located in the sheer cliff of the mountain. To get there you will have to climb the stairs. 


How Many Stairs are There in Batu Caves?

Be aware that if you plan to visit the shrine you will need to be moderately physically fit. There is about 272 steep flight of steps to make it up there. But once you are up there, you can feel the energy and power.  

On your way up you will be greeted by wild monkeys looking for your to throw some snacks for them. Make sure to bring a bottle of water with you because it can be very hot and humid.

What is Inside the Batu Caves and Why is it Famous ?

While arriving at the very top you will see the amazing caves. Here you will find Hindu shrines along with the beautiful limestone naturally decorating the Batu Caves. 

The caves was said to be 400 million years old. Here was where an Indian Trader, K. Thamboosamy Pillai, inspired by the veil shaped entrance of the main cave dedicated the temple to Lord Murugan within the caves. 

While walking up the steps to get up there. It took me several stops to get up there. The best way when taking the steps is to walk on the edge of the steps. Here you will be able to grab on to something and you will be out of the way of visitors.

 I also noticed some visitors exercising to walk up the steps. While walking up don’t forget to stop and take in the beauty of the city. You will be able to see city view while walking up. 

what is inside the batu caves

Take your time while walking up.  Don’t get too close to the monkeys also. They have been known to snatch purses. When visiting also Batu caves remember to use the restroom before you go up there. 

There is public restroom but it is better to use the restroom at your hotel. I bought my little girl with me to hike the steps and she was able to do it comfortably.  

Visiting Batu Caves Malaysia was well worth the trek.

Batu Caves Malaysia Photo Gallery

is batu caves worth visiting
batu caves Malaysia images
batu caves Malaysia review
is batu caves worth visiting
batu caves Malaysia facts
inside batu caves Malaysia
batu caves Kuala Lumpur
batu caves
batu caves Malaysia review


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